Thursday, January 14, 2016

More like punched in the arms

Yesterday was a big step! And I was completely surprised by the big step that came my way. I had no idea it was going to happen and you know what I am kind of glad I didn't have the time to think to much about it prior to having it happen.
That big step was Vaccinations! I had a regular check up with my Dr. and right before our check up is over she announces that I can start the vaccination process since it has been 6 months since my transplant! My mom and I look at each other in disbelief and get excited! I'm thinking oh it will just be a shot or two and ill come back in a week and get some different ones. Nope I was wrong the first round of shots is SIX shots. SIX all at once! Well not at once, one at a time 3 in each arm but damn its like I have a little devil running around me punching my arms every two seconds today.
My arms feel like this little guy keeps giving me dead arms. AHHH  but it is a happy pain because I know I am getting stronger everyday and this step is a big one!

If you have a queasy stomach about needles don't look any further:

that's a lot of needles!

I am also pretty excited because my doctor does not want to see me for another month! Since all of my blood levels and everything look so good. I also start Physical Therapy again next week for my back pain and to help build my bones up (oh hey osteoporosis!) I love PT because its basically a personal trainer and then I know I will workout that day! 

Ok I am off to let my arms rest! Happy Thursday

Friday, January 8, 2016

whats happening

This holiday season was definitely a fun filled, family packed one and I am so happy that right before it all began my energy levels come up.
See here is the thing. It is really a love hate relationship with these steroids I was put on back in June (or was it July?!?!). No one tells you, I guess maybe you are supposed to just know, how much energy and how great being on 90mg of prednisone feels. Remember those posts where I was waking up at 5am and doing six bajillion different things throughout the day. My room was spotless...those were the days. Well the whole point of the steroids was to get rid of my Graft vs. Host rash and well 90mg of steroids I think will get rid of basically everything, including I now found out your bodies on production of natural steroids. So slowly....very very slowly they have been reducing the steroids and for a while it wasn't that big of a deal. It would take my body about a day to adjust and then I would be back to what seems like the normal now.
Well, right before the holidays and literally weeks before a friend came for a visit they cut them back again. No big deal right. WRONG. My body decided to just implode basically. I stopped eating (bye bye 10 pounds), was fatigued as all get out and just basically didn't feel like moving or doing anything, nausea of course made an appearance and life was not looking fun.
I was starting to feel guilty that my friend was coming to visit and the holidays were coming up and I was just going to be this teeny tiny lump on the couch the whole time unable to do anything.
But a visit to the doctors and things started to perk up. They gave me another steroid (I thought I was suppose to be weaning off of them!) that would help with the nausea, so that I could eat. They think I may have a small Graft v. Host of the stomach but in order to confirm that they have to stick a tube down your throat and pinch off a piece of your stomach - so I'm trying to avoid that at ALL costs. And I went back on acid-reflex medicine.
And just like that after two weeks of feeling like I could barely walk around the block my energy level was back up - (it really helps when you can eat!)

So all of that is to say I am a wee bit nervous about my next doctors appointment. The next logical step in my mind is to finally be taken off all the prednisone which means I might have another cycle like the one above... So here is my forwarning if I go MIA after next week. Also I think I'll invest in some reading time. A favorite blog of mine just posted about this book, When Breath Becomes Air, her brother in law wrote about facing his death. Looks like an interesting read, not necessarily a mood lifter.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year

2015 wasn't quite the year I had in mind when I rang in the new year eating yummy ramen and celebrating with the mummers last year but it has definitely been an interesting one. One that threw a lot of curve balls and life lessons. A lot of patience that I continue to need and a lot of time to think.

I have tried to spend my time wisely when I am able to so here is my list of things I learned to make in 2015:

*hearth bread
*pullman loaf
*bread rolls

that's all I can remember right now but I am excited to continue my journey in baking and cooking to learn more. Also for all the new adventures that await. Every day is a step forward and a day to learn something new!

I hope everyone enjoyed their New Year and Holiday's as much as I did.

A few quick photos of the holidays! and no that is not our house with the 25 thousand foot soldiers.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

long needed UPDATE

Happy Finally Fall(ish) from H-town
As I write this I hope my spinal fluid isn't leaking out of the small hole they created tapping my spinal cord - kinda like they tap for maple?  So we will start with the spinal tap.

It was no big deal. Like I'd rather have a spinal tap than a bone marrow biopsy but of course I get to have a trillion of the later for the rest of my life - go figure. I had a spinal tap because I have been having some bad back pain and when I lower my neck I get a pins and needles type of feeling up my legs - I guess that doesn't happen to everyone. They wanted to check the spinal fluid, which by the way is clearer than water - yes I asked to see it, because they think my spinal cord may be inflamed from the dormant mono and shingles virus I have and since I am on immunosuppressants they have flared up. We forgot to ask what they could do if that is the issue because I was so freaked out about a spinal tap I basically couldn't think and my mom was just laughing at me (not really).  So we will see. I also got to lay in an MRI machine for 2 hours last Friday it was great...hah!

This is me mid spinal tap! Look at that haiiiiiiiiiir.

Ok what else is going on we have had a lot of visitors recently! My Aunt Pam came two weekends ago and it was fabulous and then halloween weekend My Aunt Karen, cousin Kimmie and Grandma came for the weekend. Thanks for visiting everyone it was so much fun to see everyone! 
Here is a sweet selfie I took minus my Grandma:
This is a more accurate representation of my hair - kinda. 

What else....what else...oh yes they cut down my steroids 2 weeks ago so now I just take one every other day. It's been interesting. It has definitely taken more time for my body to adjust energy wise and for some reason the days I do not take the steroids I get a low grade fever starting around 7pm and then its gone in the morning. The body is a weird weird thing. So it will definitely be some time until they cut the steroids again. 


That's about it for now :) Tomorrow I get to suffer through my monthly breathing treatment whoop whoop.

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