Thursday, April 9, 2015

Houston we have lift off...

well more like a date for lift off but it feels like major moves. I got a call yesterday from my coordinator that the match has signed consent to donate their stem cells to me at the beginning of May!

I cannot tell you how grateful I am to this unknown person for going down this journey to help me! A big BIG thank you to all of you who put out all those positive vibes to will my match to become a donor. THANK YOU!

Now we are really starting to roll and things are going to take off soon. I will be admitted into the hospital May 6th with about a week and a half of testing done before hand. So now I just need to soak up all the sun and outdoors I can stand because I don't know when I will get to go outside again once I am admitted! EEEEK

The good news just keeps trailing in as we I had a quick check up this morning and everything is PERFECT - I mean I don't think my counts have been in this much of the normal range since everything started - maybe this whole thing is a fluke and my body cured itself and I don't have to do anything else.... wishful thinking I know but I am glad I will be strong going into this whole new, next, crazy step.

So there is the quick update. Off to lunch before my brother heads back out of town..


  1. Prayers and positive thoughts!

  2. Fantastic Elle! Continued prayers and positive thoughts!!!

  3. Woo hoo, wonderful, wonderful news! I'll actually be in Houston all of May so my positive vibes will be closer and not all the way in Mexico! Super duper news.
    Hugs, Barbara

  4. Fantastic news! Keep it coming!

    1. Thank God for your donor! The Lord doth provide! Keep moving forward Elle... you are a very brave woman {{{Huggs}}}

    2. God Bless you BOTH! Such great news. God knew the match and He's going to make things fabulous! Love you


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