Thursday, September 3, 2015

scary, shameless selfie series

Ok so I thought it would be fine...maybe slightly take a picture of my face everyday. I kind of wish I had started this from the beginning to see the changes that my face and hair have gone through but what do you know I thought of it now so we will start with day +102 and go from there.

FAIR warning for some reason - well its reality my head looks awfully funny shaped and the background I chose to take the pictures in front of does not help at all.

I feel like someone took a huge ice cream chunk out of the left side of my head - like WHAT is going on. I cannot wait to get off of the steroids and get rid of these chipmunk cheeks. They feel and look like they have gone down in person but in pictures WHOA they are in full force. Also can you see the hair yet? It's there, barely there we like to call it my fringe. It's totally in that awkward stage of cancer hair where you can see it in person and there is one follicle of hair per square inch of skull. So now I have to wear a hat or scarf out because it just looks so funky and bad if I don't cover it.  oh man these are scary pictures - thanks for laughing with me :) 


  1. You are still YOU Elle, beautiful inside and out!

  2. Pure beauty without all the other stuff. I SEE the hair and I SEE your chipmunk cheeks. To me, they are precious as I know you are on the "end side" of all this treatment.
    It IS upsetting to you not to see your outer beauty, but we see the outer and the inner..........that's the most important. And, just as you have changed outwardly, I KNOW you have been changed inwardly forever. Big hugs to you for your humor and bravery.

  3. For your information, people pay big bucks to inject their cheeks to get what you call, "chipmunk" cheeks :-) !!! Your smile is what stands out to those of us who love you Elle!!! We are just so happy that everything has gone so well and you are on the up-swing of this journey. And yes, I can see the hair :-)


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