ok time to get back to this thing on some regularity!
I am a month and a day out past my transplant and things have been going to say the least. Luckily I am out of the hospital again - a fever placed me back inpatient for 4 days last week and Oh man am I happy to be back in my bed that doesn't move. But we are finding out if it's not one thing its another.
They diagnosed my fever as part of graft vs host disease (GVHD)(which a small bit they always say is good!). Graft vs host is where your new stem cells (graft) are fighting those few stem cells they were unable to kill off with the chemo (host) so to combat the GVHD they started me on steroids. I was hoping to start tapering off the steroids today as they can come with a whole handful of side effects, but I am now on more steroids as my liver is not functioning correctly. They account the abnormal liver functioning either to medicine I am on/GVHD/ or a virus - cross your fingers that the higher does of steroids wipes out whatever is happening there and its an easy fix.
Luckily we are back to just going to the clinic twice a week for infusions and the rest of the week I do infusions at home! (SO CRAZZY!!!)
Other than all of the above, I am feeling pretty good. The steroids give me a lot of energy but fortunately not enough to go on a $2000 manic online shopping at spree at 2 am that happened to one of the other patients!
Also fun side note, I seem to fall asleep at the clinic just at the same time my doctor chooses to come and talk. Don't they know I need to sleep!!!
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