Monday, July 20, 2015

home again!

Luckily my trip into the hospital was short and sweet - just long enough for them to culture a bunch of stuff and for it to come back negative, but perfectly timed to happen right on my brothers birthday (sorry harry!) It's always a bummer getting put back into inpatient and being hooked up to the machine again.  My buddy (IV pole machine thing) didn't beep at all this time it was FABULOUS!

I  went into the hospital because my body decided to spike 2 high fevers in 1 day.  yes 2. I had a high fever and went into the clinic and it came down and we were sent home, then not even an hour at home it spiked up to 100.9 and I was admitted. The culprit DAPSONE - a medicine that I was put back on - it was the culprit to my liver functioning funny and now it has been decided that I am allergic to it. The annoying thing is that it can take up to a week for the medicine to clear your body so I have been having low grade fevers off an on all weekend - cross your fingers I haven't had one today!! And now the replacement medicine is this gross yellow liquify banana/citrus flavored slime - why oh why do they make adult medicine not in pill form? What are you thinking? Who enjoys slurping down awful flavored , banana flavored slime? UGHHHH

but freedom is oooh so sweet again!!

oo just incase I thought I was done with side effects from chemo, remember that happened like over 2 months ago - to be exact 68 days ago was my last chemo treatment, I am not. My beautiful strong, healthy, long nails are now all broken at the base and cracked and crazy looking. take a look for yourself

gross right?

ok now here are some pictures from recent times
a yummy ricotta loaf that was so soft and delicious

the start of whoopie pies

waiting waiting 

a baby blanket I crocheted

and some delicious pretzels!!!

ps its day +67 - woot woot


  1. i love your blog - you are such an inspiration. So strong and positive and beautiful (and that blanket is seriously impressive).
    xx cait

  2. You're making me hungry! I bet those pretzels are better than the ones here in Philly. Miss you and your cooking, no more fevers please!

  3. Ahh, the waits..........they do drag on, but its nice to see you making a beautiful blanket! I used to just try to read......try being the operative word.
    Each day is a day away from chemo and a day closer to perfect health and the return to a normal life. Thinking of you and sending positive vibes.


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