Wednesday, April 1, 2015

#waybackWHENsday // a little update

Hey hey!! With Easter this weekend I thought what better way than to go way back when easter edition. below you will find pretty awesome pictures of two different easters passed that were drastically different.

One of my favorite things was when my brother and I got too old for easter egg hunts my mom turned it into a mini scavenger hunt with clues and their would be eggs hidden all around the house. It was so much fun - I may need to bring back the scavenger hunt this year - or make my mom bring it back. You are never too old right?

and for an added bonus this super attractive corn shucking face : 

And lastly a quick little update:  I am still in limbo hanging out and relaxing down here in the Texas weather. My unknown donor is going through an informational session at the end of this week, wherever he/she may be, and I am under the belief that after that session they decide wether they want to go ahead and be a donor, or not. Please cross your fingers that this person whomever they are decides that even though its not the easiest process that they will be my donor! I am hoping to hear early next week about the donors decision.  

This whole process is definitely also a lesson in patience. Hope you have a great rest of your week!


  1. Love your Easter pics! cutie patootie!

  2. Love your face in the 2nd photo!

  3. Fingers crossed - holding my breath. My son was a bone marrow donor if anyone ever wants to correspond or connect with him. He has had absolutely zero side effects from that or the stem cells.

    1. thanks! Tell your son he is amazing for being a donor. Unfortunately I do not get to know anything about the donor/match person but I am sure there are organizations out there if he wanted to volunteer/ share his experience!

  4. Well, he's living in Mexico, here in San Miguel de Allende and raising his two children as a single parent, so I don't think he'll have time to get to the USA. You are daily in my thoughts........I'll be in Houston in about a month. Maybe I'll see your Mom.....or you. Are you in isolation? Jennifer and John were for about two months prior to the transplant.


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